toface obstacles and adversities. Fearlessness is the first virtue of a hero"
toface obstacles and adversities. Fearlessness is the first virtue of a hero"
toface obstacles and adversities. Fearlessness is the first virtue of a hero"
Our Mission

बाल शिक्षण

महिला विकास कार्य

विकास कार्य

हेल्थ चेकउप

Golwalkar is known to have propagated Dharmic teachings. A book based on extracts of his writings, titled Guruji: Vision and Mission, includes a chapter titled “Hindu—the Son of this Motherland”, which claims that ‘Bhartiya’ includes only those who have followed faiths rooted in pluralism, and that Indic faith followers represent this in India since it accepts all approaches towards spirituality. In another chapter, titled “Our Identity and Nationality”, he wrote, “All the elements required to develop as a great nation are present in this Hindu society in their entirety. This is why we say that in this nation of Bharat, the living principles of the Hindu society are the living systems of this nation. In short, this is ‘Hindu Nation’.”
Golwalkar believed that people following Semitic faiths (particularly Muslims and Christians) must either adopt or respect Hindu culture, otherwise they do not deserve the rights the citizens.
“The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but that of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture… or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment not even citizen’s rights.”
“The ultimate goal of this organization is to make this country Hindu Rashtra [a Hindu nation], to make this land a land of eternal Hinduism, to bring back ancient Hindu Rashtra.”

Gyan Mandir

At Gyan Mandir, Experts of respective educational fields encourage children for studies in their technologically advance curriculum.

At Gyan Mandir children are encouraged to participate in rich traditional and sports activities for a complete exposure of their extra-curricular activities.

At Gyan Mandir children are always taught about social responsibilities and equalities by engaging them in social awareness activities amongst them.
Shree Guruji Vyakhyanmala
India has existed as a nation since BC: Dr. Meenakshi Jain
Date. `Shri Guruji Lecture Series’ was organized at Dinesh Hall, Karnavati from 16th to 17th February, 2023. In this 20th lecture series organized by Madhav Smriti Nyas, Karnavati, Padma Shri Dr. Meenakshi Jain, as the main speaker, delivered a two-day lecture on the topic `Bharat’s Fundamental Unity’. Here are the important excerpts from the address.

Hindus are strong on the birthplace of Shri Krishna - Dr. Meenakshi Jain
On the second day of the Guruji Lecture Series, Dr. Meenakshi Jain provided information about Krishna devotion in India and many ancient and historical evidences about Lord Krishna in Mathura.
Dharma does not mean religion, considering it as religion has created a big illusion: Manmohanji Vaidya
We have to think about what our generations have been taught and what is being taught about the history of the freedom struggle. Is the history being taught in India really true or is it a half-truth or an illusion?